Hey Folks,
I came in to school a day early to change my password. It expired today. I will check my email from home tomorrow to make sure everything is up-to-date. That's the last time before school starts!
Some reminders:
1. AP English 12 is consider the equivalent of Freshmen English on a college campus. Scary, but exciting! As such, we will be expecting a higher level of maturity from students and an independent approach to learning. Please know that we aren't going to leave you "high and dry," but you will be expected to figure things out on your own!
2. All homework assignments for English 12 AP are expected to be typed.
3. On the first day of class, you will be expected to have what we want you to have every day you come to class:
A. Your completed assignments.
B. Your notebook, writing tools, planner.
C. Your mind open and ready to engage.
We are looking forward to an exciting year!