Friday, May 1, 2009

AP Tests and You

I will list below the students for whom I receive AP test information. With the numbers of students absent, I have put the information in the folders in the class period you have.

If you are missing class because you are taking an AP test, it will be treated as any other pre-excused absence. If you want to earn any points that you miss, you will be accountable to demonstrate the outcomes that we have accomplished. It makes no sense to do things after the fact.

So, here goes:
Monday are the term presentations:
1. You can demonstrate understanding of the terms you were assigned and you can create a method to help others understand them as well.
2. You can demonstrate understanding of the terms that are presented by other students.

A and B days:
1. You can deconstruct AP Literature prompts to analyze what the prompt is asking you to demonstrate.

If your focus is learning, know that's what will be happening in class.
If your focus is learning and earning points, you will have to demonstrate that you have met the outcomes to me.

I have put into class folders AP testing information for the following people
Jason Bell
Brittney Rud
Annika Fink
Zach Shay
Lindsey Carlin
Alison Rigazio
Kelsey Arntson
Alec Biorn
Mehran Bratton
Lauren Budge
Marta Dilks
Nicole Doerrmann
Tim Ryssemus
Meredith Wald
Nate Wilson
Maddy Ranshaw
Shanae Kemen
Chaney McCullough
Chloe Morozoff
Cami Heroux